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Эта статья пострадала от рук кривого перевода и редактирования участника ShiSan0. Убедительная просьба заняться ею всем желающим.

Эта статья предоставляет информацию об ивентах Абсолютного Плана Развития Талантов Корекиё Шингуджи.

Статистика карт

Минимум (Уровень 1):
Влияние Внимание Сила Защита Интеллект Стойкость Ловкость Удача
15 20 1 2 4 2 4 3
Максимум (Уровень 99):
Влияние Внимание Сила Защита Интеллект Стойкость Ловкость Удача
162 216 50 75 125 75 125 100


Guide Project Korekiyo 03
Академия Пика Надежды, где собираются Абсолютные студенты ... Там должно быть много замечательных людей.
Кхехехе ... Я взволнован. Действительно, очень взволнован ... Какую человеческую красоту я увижу здесь?


Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Я много чего исследовал как антрополог, но ... Моя мечта отдалилась от меня.

Ивенты дружбы[]

С Макото Наэги[]

FTE Guide Makoto Mini Pixel
С Макото Наэги
Guide Project Makoto 13
Guide Project Makoto 18
Э-Это была...пустая банка?
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
А... вот ты где, Макото.
Guide Project Makoto 22
О... Киё.
Ты случайно это не видел? Как-то неловко...
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Похоже, что банка была выброшена из окна. Примите мои соболезнования.
Guide Project Makoto 06
В меня случайно попала банка... Чувак, это довольно неудачно.
Guide Project Korekiyo 09
Неудачно? Это странное слово для Абсолютного Удачливого Ученика.
Guide Project Makoto 12
Да...Мне повезло, что меня выбрали из всех старшеклассников страны...
Guide Project Makoto 22
Но для меня это нормально. Честно говоря, мне больше не везет.
Думаю, здесь, в Академии Пик Надежды, они ищут удачу, но ... интересно, помогаю ли я.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Возможно, удачу нелегко измерить. Удача и неудача сплетены, как веревка.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Я пойду вперёд и скажу... «Макото, тебе все-таки повезло».
Guide Project Makoto 04
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
В итоге мы поболтали, но я пришел поговорить с тобой, чтобы отдать это.
Guide Project Makoto 18
О...это же мой бумажник!
Guide Project Makoto 21
Интересно, когда я его уронил ... Спасибо, Киё!
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Банка попала тебя и ты закричал... Услышав это, я оглянулся...
Таким образом, мне удалось найти твой кошелек. Это можно считать удачей, да?
Guide Project Makoto 22
Гм... если так выразиться, может, это все-таки удача...
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Возможно, нужно решить, хорошо это или плохо, после того, как все сказано и сделано.
Guide Project Makoto 06
Ну, это может быть очень больно... И я уронил свой кошелёк...
Guide Project Makoto 01
Но ты прав. Я постараюсь быть более позитивным. Мне повезло, что ты его подобрал, Киё. Спасибо.

С Геноцид Джеком и Сакурой Огами[]

FTE Guide Genocide Jack Mini Pixel
FTE Guide Sakura Mini Pixel
С Геноцид Джеком и Сакурой Огами
Guide Project Jack 03
...Совершенно не очаровательно!
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Как грубо заявлять такое, увидев кого-то... Но твои слова меня не смущают.
Guide Project Jack 04
Нгх, я, наверное, вижу спрос на тебя, но ты просто не сокращаешь его для меня.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
У меня нет проблем с этим. Я сомневаюсь, что из твоего вкуса получится что-то хорошее.
Ты тоже ничего не делаешь для меня. Только чистые люди подходят для того, чтобы быть друзьями Сестры.
Guide Project Jack 11
Моя мрачная сторона — это та, которая не моется! Это она виновата, что я становлюсь такой грязной!
Кстати, что происходит с подходящими девушками? Ты уже нашёл кого-нибудь достойного?
Guide Project Korekiyo 08
Я мог бы спросить о тебе того же. Что случается с теми, кто «режет» для тебя?
Guide Project Sakura 03
Я должна вмешаться..
Guide Project Jack 09
Ооооо, мисс Огр только что появилась, волоча костяшками пальцев, как женщина-обезьяна, которой она и является!
Guide Project Sakura 12
Я почувствовала сильное волнение в воздухе... Что вы обсуждали?
Guide Project Jack 05
Ничего! Мы просто болтали и пили чай!
Guide Project Sakura 06
Понятно... тогда все в порядке. Должно быть, у меня разыгралось воображение... Мои извинения.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Кехехе... Я не против. Я привык, что люди думают, что я подозрительный.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Что касается вашего предыдущего вопроса...
Guide Project Jack 09
Хм? Мой вопрос?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Я скажу... «Решение пока откладывается».
Я не хочу, чтобы меня считали более подозрительным, чем я уже есть в этой школе.
Guide Project Jack 01
Аааа, если бы она разозлилась, у нас были бы большие проблемы! Мы пока это отменим!
Guide Project Sakura 04

С Ясухиро Хагакурэ[]

FTE Guide Yasuhiro Mini Pixel
С Ясухиро Хагакурэ
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
Хиро... Я хотел бы задать тебе один вопрос.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 17
А? Что случилось, Кори?
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Я уже некоторое время удивляюсь... Какой формат ты используешь для гадания?
Хотя "гадание" - это единый общий термин, но есть много способов сделать это...
Можно предсказать будущее с помощью ладоней, дней рождения или таких инструментов, как открытки, да?
Guide Project Yasuhiro 16
Вау, Кори! Вы знаете свое дело!
Но мое гадание отличается от всех этих ... Это вдохновляющий стиль!
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Вдохновение... Также известный как откровение, вспышки или шестое чувство.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 16
Но не смешивай мое гадание с оккультизмом, понимаешь?
Потому что мои прогнозы более точны, чем у кого-либо еще!
Guide Project Yasuhiro 17
Но почему ты спрашиваешь обо всем этом?
Ты хочешь, чтобы тебе предсказали судьбу? Я дам тебе скидку.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Мне просто было любопытно, какой стиль гадания был признан «Абсолютным».
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
Многие стили гадания имеют давние исторические корни, уходящие в прошлое.
Все они ... меня ,как антрополога, очень интересуют.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 06
Хм, другими словами, ты хочешь узнать больше о моем гадании, да, Кори?
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Что ж, я был бы не против, если бы ты так это истолковал.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 16
Тогда я предлагаю тебе начать с того, чтобы я предсказал тебе твою судьбу!
Лучший способ узнать об этом - увидеть это своими глазами, верно?
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
В самом деле ... Я знаю, что твоё гадание дорого стоит, но, возможно, мне будет полезно испытать его.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 15
Да, ты понял, Кори! Из-за этого я расскажу тебе бонусную историю, бесплатно!
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
У меня плохое предчувствие по этому поводу, но я выслушаю...
Guide Project Yasuhiro 16
У меня есть эти камни силы. У них почти столько же энергии, сколько у хрустального шара, который я использую!
Guide Project Korekiyo 23
Guide Project Yasuhiro 03
Обычно они безумно дорогие ... Но если ты купишь их через меня, то они всего 500 000 иен!
Guide Project Korekiyo 21
Я понимаю.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 15
Держу пари, что кто-то вроде тебя мог бы извлечь свою истинную силу, без проблем, Кори!
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Кстати, Хиро... Когда ты говоришь "Кори", ты имеешь в виду меня, верно?
Guide Project Yasuhiro 16
Ну да!
«Корекиё» - это что-то полное, понимаешь? Думаю, меня зовут также, да?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Хотя обычно я говорю тем, у кого есть проблемы с моим именем, чтобы они называли меня «Киё» ...
Я также не против «Кори». Пожалуйста, обращайся ко мне так, когда захочешь.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 15
О, конечно. Оставь это мне!
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Очень хорошо. В таком случае, увидимся позже, Хиро.
Guide Project Yasuhiro 15
Увидимся, Кори!
Guide Project Yasuhiro 11
..А? Подожди, Кори! А как насчет камней силы!?
Сделка не окупилась!

With Angie Yonaga[]

FTE Guide Angie Mini Pixel
With Angie Yonaga
Guide Project Angie 13
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
Guide Project Angie 09
Hm? How long have you been standing there, Kiyo?
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Mm...I've been here for some time. I didn't wish to interrupt your prayer.
Guide Project Angie 20
Nyahahahaha, thanks for being considerate! Do you want to join me, Kiyo?
Guide Project Angie 04
Atua has spoken... If you convert now, you'll get a great deal on some exclusive services.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Hmm...I think I shall decline for now.
Guide Project Angie 23
Hmmm... For now? This offer will not last forever, you know.
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
How can I believe in your god when I barely know anything about him?
His origins, his doctrines, the ways in which he is worshipped...
I can infer some from your words, but I have yet to hear a proper explanation.
Guide Project Angie 02
I see, I see... You have a genuine interest in Atua beyond mere worship...
Guide Project Angie 21
Cuz you are curious about Atua, right? That is what He is telling me.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Yes. I am curious as an anthropologist. Is it a problem if that's why I'm interested?
Guide Project Angie 22
Hmmm, I would like to say that all are welcome, but...
Guide Project Angie 23
Atua's business hours are closed for today. Too bad.
Guide Project Korekiyo 21
I see. That is unfortunate.
Guide Project Angie 07
You know, if you want to hear the voice of Atua...you must pray.
Guide Project Angie 10
Atua brings salvation, but only to those who believe.
Guide Project Angie 11
Those who do not will face His judgment, you know.
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
Kehehe...how scary. I shall have to rein in my academic interest to avoid your god's wrath.

With Rantaro Amami[]

FTE Guide Rantaro Mini Pixel
With Rantaro Amami
Guide Project Rantaro 01
Oh, Kiyo. It's been a while. You took the day off yesterday, right?
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
That is correct. I returned from my fieldwork only just last night.
I see you have returned as well, Rantaro. Where did you go this time?
Guide Project Rantaro 24
Southeast Asia. I just got back the day before yesterday.
But I've got another trip planned tomorrow. We almost missed each other!
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Hmm...you are ever busy, flitting around the world as you do.
It may sound strange coming from me, but... You seem pale. It may be best to recuperate.
Guide Project Rantaro 13
Ha, maybe. But there's still so many places I want to go. Isn't it the same for you?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
The answer to that question is, "Precisely." For research of course, but another reason as well.
Guide Project Rantaro 18
Another reason?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Kehehe...oddly enough, when I look at you, I sense that we are kindred spirits.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
You, too, are flitting around with a purpose... That is what I have deduced.
Guide Project Rantaro 02
Haha, well, you *are* good at observing people.
Guide Project Rantaro 24
...Do you have any siblings, Kiyo?
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
I do. An older sister.
Guide Project Rantaro 23
Oh, nice. Are you two close?
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Very much so. My sister is someone who is very important to me...very important indeed.
Guide Project Rantaro 09
You said that without much prompting, Kiyo. That was kind of unexpected.
Guide Project Rantaro 11
But in that case...maybe you understand.
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
To have asked me such a question...do your travels have something to do with siblings?
Guide Project Rantaro 24
Yeah, something like that.
Guide Project Korekiyo 17
I see...that explains it. I shall not stop you from pushing yourself, in that case.
I, too, wish to do everything I can for my sister. That is how I feel.
Guide Project Rantaro 09
Haha, and here I thought no one would ever really understand.
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
By the way, the sibling you are pushing yourself so hard for... Is it a brother? A sister?
Guide Project Rantaro 24
Oh, um, little sister.
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
The fact that you have so much drive, must mean you have a wonderful sister.
Guide Project Rantaro 11
Oh yeah. Much better than me!
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Kehehe... Is that so? I won't ask in detail, but I shall root for you.
When the day comes that you have fulfilled your goal...I would like to hear more of your sister.

Seasonal Events[]

Sports Festival[]

Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Today is the sports festival... Your card for the scavenger hunt says, "The person you like"!
The one you like the most is always inside you, so going to the goal alone would be correct...
But explaining that seems problematic. How will you deal with this?
FTE Guide Himiko Mini Pixel
Perhaps I will exchange my card
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Hmm...this should solve the problem.
Guide Project Himiko 32
Kiyo...I saw you switch your card with the one I was gonna draw...
Guide Project Himiko 14
That's cheating. That card's mine, give it back.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
It wasn't me that switched them. They were switched by the power of your magic.
Guide Project Himiko 23
M-My magic? Did you say it was my magic?
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
Indeed. Because of that, you cannot return them to the way they were before...yes?
Guide Project Himiko 06
Hm...well, if it was my magic that did it, then that's that.
...You managed to pull of the switch!
FTE Guide Sayaka Mini Pixel
I'll take a...broad interpretation of "like"
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
The national pop sensation, Sayaka... Everyone has fond feelings towards you...
None would question us running together for the scavenger hunt.
Guide Project Sayaka 12
I don't mind running together, but...what did it say on the card?
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
Well... "A popular person with a nice smile"...that's what it said.
You brought Sayaka with you!
FTE Guide Teruteru Mini Pixel
I shall observe the others instead
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Well, I needn't win. It would serve me much better to observe everyone else.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
So...Teruteru, I give this card to you.
Guide Project Teruteru 18
Huh? Is that even allowed?
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
This card is more suited to you than me... Look at it, and you will understand.
Guide Project Teruteru 14
Let's see... Hmm... "the person you like," huh?
I see... You got shy, huh? You do look like you'd be the shy type, Kiyo.
Guide Project Teruteru 20
I, on the other hand, think it's fine to talk openly about love... This card does suit me!
But if you're giving me this card, does that mean you want to...reach the goal together?
Guide Project Korekiyo 11
...I did not foresee this outcome.
You politely declined!

School Festival[]

Guide Project Korekiyo 23
Today is the school festival... You are running the haunted house. A guest approaches...
FTE Guide Hifumi Mini Pixel
So you enjoy such entertainment?
Guide Project Hifumi 17
Well, I don't write horror manga, but I figured I'd learn something by shaking my emotions up.
Guide Project Hifumi 09
And I knew if you had a part in this haunted house, Mr. Shinguji, it'd be the real deal!
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
I see. You are researching expression. I expect no less from the Ultimate Fanfic Creator.
I believe we will meet your expectations. I was involved with the design of the set...
I had them create an authentic experience based on ghost tales passed down in many regions.
Guide Project Hifumi 03
Mhm, and it looks like there's some good visual elements too. They're important for immersion!
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
I believe the atmosphere is perfect for inducing fear. But there are no real ghosts...probably.
Guide Project Hifumi 03
Of course there won't be. Well then, it's time...
Guide Project Hifumi 09
Hifumi advances into the dungeon!
...After a while, you heard Hifum's shrill screams coming from inside.
FTE Guide Chiaki Mini Pixel
Do you enjoy scary games as well?
Guide Project Chiaki 09
A haunted house, huh? Yeah...that sounds like fun.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
I'm sure you've played many horror games. Are you used to this kind of atmosphere?
Guide Project Chiaki 08
Well...not in real life, but...I'm sure horror games are a good reference.
Um...if it's a horror game, I'll need to change my tactics depending on the available weapons...
Guide Project Korekiyo 11
...I would prefer if you refrained from attacking the actors.
Guide Project Chiaki 01
Hm, got it. So it's a chase game.
...You felt uneasy as you watched Chiaki enter the haunted house.
FTE Guide Sonia Mini Pixel
I did not expect to see royalty here
Guide Project Sonia 12
Why, naturally! I plan to complete two laps of the whole academy!
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
You seem quite enthusiastic... As a princess, are student festivals rare for you?
Guide Project Sonia 24
I feel quite invigorated to attend as a student. In my country, I visited academies as royalty...
It was my duty to cut the largest Skong each year to begin the festival.
Guide Project Korekiyo 22
What an intriguing tradition... I would love to visit your kingdom as an anthropologist.
You watched with interest as Sonia entered the haunted house!


Guide Project Korekiyo 23
Your last winter at the academy... The Monokubs have suggested that you all clean the school.
So where will you clean?
FTE Guide Hiyoko Mini Pixel
Perhaps I shall go to the dojo
Guide Project Hiyoko 12
Guide Project Korekiyo 22
Guide Project Hiyoko 03
Geez, I knew the noisy ones wouldn't come here, but now I gotta deal with the creepy one.
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Kehehe... Did I interrupt your quiet break time, Hiyoko?
Guide Project Hiyoko 19
Hey, can you not say it like I'm slacking off?
I just thought if I had to clean, I may as well clean this beautiful Japanese room.
Guide Project Hiyoko 23
I usually don't hang around in barbaric places like these, but this scenic view is okay.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Hm...I suppose I should have known a traditional dancer like yourself would have a delicate side.
Guide Project Hiyoko 19
What do you mean by that? Of course I'm delicate.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
In any event, I shall leave the cleaning here to you... You may spend as much time as you like.
Guide Project Hiyoko 19
Eh, whatever. Now that I think about it, this place smells like sweat. It's gross.
I'll look for Mahiru and help her, so you can just clean this place by yourself.
Guide Project Korekiyo 11
...I almost reevaluated her, but it was a mistake to even consider it. She is not worthy.
You cleaned the dojo by yourself...
FTE Guide Byakuya Mini Pixel
The dining hall may be surprisingly easy
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
Oh, Byakuya...are you having a coffee break?
Guide Project Byakuya 09
Do you honestly think I would stoop to cleaning this place?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
No...I cannot imagine you doing such a thing.
Guide Project Byakuya 06
Anyway, the dining hall's already been cleaned. I'm just here because there's no dust.
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
Ah, as I thought...Kirumi always cleans the dining hall, so there's nothing to do here.
In that case, I shall thank Kirumi and have some tea.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
By the way, Byakuya, I notice Toko isn't with you today.
Guide Project Byakuya 06
She's never been with me.
Guide Project Korekiyo 07
Well...I do not think that's accurate. She's always following after you so eagerly.
Guide Project Byakuya 06
I've never seen her. Even if I had, it wouldn't mean we were together.
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
Kehehe...so cold. Why not respond to her feelings? Such earnestness is rare, you know?
You may find that it makes you happier than having the entire world in your hands.
Guide Project Byakuya 04
What a terrifying thought... I'm disappointed that you have such commoner sentiments.
Is that all that you've gained from observing people as the Ultimate Anthropologist?
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
No, this is a conclusion I've reached based on my own personal experiences.
Guide Project Byakuya 03
Either way, it's a terrifying thought...
You spent time having tea and exchanging opinions with Byakuya...
FTE Guide Monomi Mini Pixel
I would like to clean my own room
Guide Project Monomi 17
Oh, Korekiyo... Aren't you gonna clean the school?
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Yes, but I thought I would clean my own room first.
Guide Project Monomi 08
Y-Your own room... Are you sure that's really a priority right now?
Guide Project Korekiyo 21
Well, I know we are meant to prioritize communal spaces for something like this...
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
But my notes and documents are starting to pile up. Cleaning is a difficult task.
I'd prefer to take an opportunity like this to organize everything.
Guide Project Monomi 04
I see... You take your research very seriously.
Guide Project Monomi 12
Very well, then! You've convinced me to give you permission!
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Your permission doesn't really matter...
Guide Project Monomi 13
Oh...that's right. I'm not a teacher right now...
Guide Project Korekiyo 22
You? A teacher?
Guide Project Monomi 16
I know I may not look like it...but I really am supposed to be everyone's teacher.
I still feel like I'm your teacher. I'll always be there for you, Korekiyo.
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
Hmm... Really? No matter what happens?
Guide Project Monomi 17
Really, I mean it... Ummm, is something the matter?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
No, it's nothing. I am grateful for your thoughts.
Trust...expectations... The beauty of humanity can be seen even when such feelings are crushed.
Guide Project Korekiyo 21
...Although, you are not a person.
...You cleaned your room with Monomi!

Appearances in Seasonal Events for Other Characters[]

With Celestia Ludenberg[]

Guide Project Celestia 01
Your last winter at the academy... Graduation will be here before you know it.
That being said, you don't really feel anything. Let's spend our time drinking tea as always!
Almost all of the seats in the dining hall are taken... Who will you ask to sit with?
FTE Guide Peko Mini Pixel
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
Peko, would you like to play a round with me?
Guide Project Celestia 04
Of course, it is not a serious contest. Just a little...fun gambling.
Guide Project Peko 08
Very well. A tense game with you will be good stimulation for me as well.
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
Ah...this seems intriguing. May I watch from the sidelines?
Guide Project Celestia 03
That is fine. I do not mind if you join in.
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
No, I will focus on observing your game for the time being.
What sort of battle will ensue...? I would like to carefully observe it.
Guide Project Celestia 01
I would not mind that either. It is not a bad thing to have an audience.
Are you alright with this as well, Peko?
Guide Project Peko 12
I don't mind. It will be good training for keeping my composure in any situation.
Guide Project Celestia 03
Such a serious woman...
You will do anything for a match. You are a worthy opponent.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
This will be an intriguing match, indeed... Kehehe...I eagerly wait.
You had an intense battle at the corner of the dining hall...

With Genocide Jack[]

Guide Project Toko 01
Your last winter at the academy... The Monokubs asked you to clean the school today...
Guide Project Toko 13
Guide Project Jack 09
But once again, your personalities switched! Forget about cleaning! Let's look for Master!
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
Master must be having coffee in the dining hall!
Guide Project Jack 04
I thought that Master would be here... But here you are, sippin' coffee!
Hey! Where's Master? Where!?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Kehehe... Well, well...aren't you an eager one?
Guide Project Jack 04
Damn right I am! I've seen plenty of pretty boys, but...
Guide Project Jack 06
Master takes the cake! Kyaaa! I can't control my ovaries!
Guide Project Jack 11
How 'bout you? See any pretty girls lately?
Guide Project Korekiyo 07
I would appreciate it if you didn't compare my standards to yours. I don't seek girls for myself.
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
I already have someone I love. I have never so much as considered anyone besides her.
Guide Project Jack 08
Now here we are, a couple of weirdos who are honest with themselves. Doesn't seem right!
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
I have mixed feelings about being called a comrade of yours... But so be it.
I will allow myself to say.. "Byakuya just left here to return to the classroom."
Guide Project Jack 03
What!? Seriously!? We're doing the "just missed them" trope!? Thanks, comrade!
Thanks to Kiyo, you were able to find Master!

With Ibuki Mioda[]

Guide Assets Ibuki 19
Today is the school festival you've been waiting for! Of course, you'll do a concert!
But you've still got some time before the show. Why not check out the other events for now?
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
I heard Hiyoko's doing a haunted house!
Guide Assets Ibuki 18
Oooh, ghosts right at the entrance! That's a new one!
Guide Project Korekiyo 11
...I am not playing a ghost. I am merely the receptionist.
Guide Assets Ibuki 19
Huh? Oh, now that I take a good look at you, you're Kiyo!
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
I'd appreciate if you noticed without having to take a good look... Anyway, the haunted house...
Guide Assets Ibuki 14
Heck yeah! I'm gonna go in there and shout my heart out to prepare for my concert!
If Hiyoko's involved, I'm sure it'll be some sorta screamy, machiney, super crazy place!
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Indeed...Hiyoko seemed to be making some very cruel traps. I'm sure you will enjoy them.
Guide Assets Ibuki 04
Hyaaaa! It'll be like visiting hell!
...You headed for the show after shouting at the top of your lungs in the haunted house!

With Junko Enoshima[]

Guide Project Junko Enoshima 18
Your last winter at the academy... your three years as Hope's Peak are about to end boringly.
On top of that, it's December 24th, the day you hate the most. How will you spend it?
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
Maybe I'll eat something in the dining hall
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
You're spending today like you would any other, no? Have you no interest in christmas?
Guide Project Junko Enoshima 17
Geez, did you think I'd be out with some guy? I look like this, but I guard my virtue, y'know?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Well... according to my observations, you don't seem the type to get excited for a day like this.
Guide Project Korekiyo 04
You're always acting bright and cheery, befitting your title as Ultimate Fashionista...
However, at times, it seems as though... you are bored with everything in the world.
Guide Project Junko Enoshima 09
Eww, you've been watching me? That's way creepy. Stalkers aren't in right now, y'know?
Guide Project Korekiyo 17
Kehehe... that is not my intention. Besides, I already have someone dear to my heart.
Guide Project Junko Enoshima 16
Well, it's true that I'm bored most of the time. But I know how to deal with that...
For me and everyone else to feel heart-pounding excitement...
...I know just what I need to do.
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Hmm... well that sounds lovely. I assume you have some fun things planned?
Guide Project Junko Enoshima 17
Oh, I've got a bunch of stuff planned, so you can look forward to it.
You ate as you thought about your despair-packed plan...

With K1-B0[]

Guide Project K1-B0 29
Today is the sports festival and you're going to play soccer! What position will you play?
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
I will mount a solid defense
Guide Project K1-B0 17
I will be on defense. That is the most logical course of action I can take.
Guide Project Korekiyo 21
For those of us who aren't good at sports, this is all we can do.
Guide Project K1-B0 24
Miu suggested that I equip a booster function for this occasion...
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
...I honestly do not expect anything from any of your functions.
You did your best to mount a solid defense!

With Kokichi Oma[]

Guide Project Kokichi 37
Today is the school festival... You walked around looking at food stands and exhibits!
You went into a haunted house that's known to be scary, but you have one comment. And that's...
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
I have a problem with the reception desk!
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
I never expected to receive a complaint about the reception desk... Did I do something rude?
Guide Project Kokichi 13
Well, I think you as the receptionist is perfect for setting the mood.
But that's why it's a bit too devious. You're obviously too scary.
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
Kehehe...well yes. I am aware that the role of "creepy receptionist" suits me.
To put guests in the proper mood, I've been telling scary stories from different regions.
Guide Project Kokichi 20
Whaaaat? But you never gave me that kind of service!
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
My stories would have been wasted on the likes of you.
Guide Project Kokichi 07
What a buzzkill... Haunted house plus a scary story would've been so awesome.
Guide Project Korekiyo 08
What was your original complaint even about?
You enjoyed the haunted house, while Kiyo glared at you!

With Mahiru Koizumi[]

Guide Project Mahiru 10
Today is the summer sports festival! Let's take a lot of pictures today!
Where will you aim for the perfect shot?
FTE Guide Toko Mini Pixel
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
The scavenger hunt seems fun
Guide Project Mahiru 10
I want to get a group picture of everyone before they run.
Alright, everyone. Ooone, twooo, thr—
Guide Project Toko 08
H-Hold on! D-Don't just start shooting!
Guide Project Mahiru 18
Huh? I'm sorry. Do you not like having your picture taken?
Guide Project Toko 07
Y-You just think I'm ugly! I'm just here to make the other girls look pretty by comparison!
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
Toko...you're disturbing Mahiru. It is her duty as a photographer to take her pictures of everyone.
Guide Project Toko 06
N-Not me! And if *you're* in it, there's gonna be a ghost or something in the shot!
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
...Actually, you may be correct.
Guide Project Mahiru 06
Hey, Kiyo... L-Let's not joke about that.
Guide Project Toko 08
Th-Th-There's no such thing as ghosts! Don't be stupid!
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
Ghosts are real. I have heard their voices many times. They are merely humans after death.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
One needs to follow certain steps to hear their voices, but they are always among us.
Guide Project Toko 03
N-No way! It's your dumb imagination!
Guide Project Mahiru 16
...Why are we talking about this?
You felt a chill in the air the rest of the day...

Guide Project Mahiru 07
Today is the school festival... You decided to exhibit your best pictures!
Someone has come to look at your pictures... What do you say to them?
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
These are when the girls made sweets
Guide Project Mahiru 21
You seem to be looking at those pictures intently... You're not being a perv, are you?
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
Of course not. I would never direct wicked thoughts toward such wonderful pictures.
These pictures capture everyone's smiles. Through them, the beauty of humanity shines brighter.
Guide Project Mahiru 03
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
Also, I already have someone precious to me. I would not go about eyeing other women.
Guide Project Mahiru 18
What!? R-Really?
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Kehehe...you must be surprised, no?
Guide Project Mahiru 18
Oh, no...I'm sorry I accused you. She must be very dear to you.
...You learned something unexpected about Korekiyo!

With Nagito Komaeda[]

Guide Project Komaeda 24
Today is the summer sports festival... Your part is over, so now you can cheer for the Ultimates!
Which event will you go watch?
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
Maybe I'll go cheer for soccer
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
Ah, Nagito...are you here to offer your support to the athletes?
Guide Project Komaeda 26
Yeah, since my race is over. I'm glad I made it in time for the soccer game.
Guide Project Korekiyo 06
It seems as though you enjoy observing the talents of others, yes?
I'm surprised you've come to cheer despite there being no Ultimate Soccer Player here.
Guide Project Komaeda 12
I just want to see the moment you all shine as symbols of hope.
But being in an event not related to your talent isn't really what I'd call despair...
Guide Project Komaeda 06
Ultimates can easily overcome something like that.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
Kehehe...I see. Perhaps that is what one might call an expression of hope?
For example, I may be able to use my observational skills to excel at soccer.
Guide Project Komaeda 21
That's exactly right! I knew you'd be able to think of something like that, Kiyo!
Guide Project Komaeda 14
Oh...sorry someone like me distracted you from the game...
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
No, I do not mind. This was an intriguing conversation.
All aspects of humanity are beautiful. I am observing you with great interest as well.
Guide Project Komaeda 25
I'm glad that scum like me can be of use to someone like you, Kiyo.
...You spent time watching Korekiyo and the others' soccer game!

With Rantaro Amami[]

Guide Project Rantaro 22
Your last winter at the academy... You're back from your trip, but Christmas has passed.
The dining hall has fewer people than usual. Should you talk to someone?
FTE Guide Korekiyo Mini Pixel
Kiyo, long time no see
Guide Project Korekiyo 02
Greetings, Rantaro... I see you're back from another trip. Where did you go this time?
Guide Project Rantaro 24
South America. Quite the stimulating trip.
Guide Project Korekiyo 05
I see... I'm glad you've returned safely. I wished to speak with you about something.
It seems as though your travels have a purpose. Were you able to fulfill it this time?
Guide Project Rantaro 05
...No. Not yet.
Guide Project Korekiyo 01
But...you haven't yet given up. Isn't that correct?
Guide Project Rantaro 15
Are you here to tell me I'm pathetic, and I should just quit?
Guide Project Korekiyo 03
No... To that, I say, "That is simply another aspect of the beauty of humanity."
I would like to continue to root for you, as your friend.
Guide Project Rantaro 02
Haha... That's... really encouraging. Thank you, Kiyo.
You and Korekiyo spent some time discussing all the people you met on your trip.


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Абсолютный План Развития Талантов
Danganronpa 1 АойБьякуяСелестияЧихироГеноцид ДжекХифумиДжункоКиётакаКёкоЛеонМондоМонокумаМукуроСакураСаякаТокоЯсухиро
Danganronpa 2 АканэБьякуяЧиакиФуюхикоГандамХиёкоИбукиИзуруКазуичиМахируМиканМономиНагитоНэкомаруПекоСонияТэрутэруУсами
Danganronpa V3 АнджиГонтаХимикоK1-B0КаэдеКайтоКирумиКокичиКорекиёМакиМиуРантароРёмаШуичиТенкоЦумуги